Graphic Design
in the Post-Digital Age
The book examines the challenges and opportunities in the wake of the rapid rise of creative coding within a growing community of designers opting to make their own design tools. This comprehensive overview covers educational approaches in design programs and the historic and economic contexts of programming in graphic design, as well as the implications surrounding the integration of coding with design. The project includes over twenty interviews in which major figures in design reflect upon the ways in which coding has innovated and transformed their design practice and strategies, and the directions it will take in the future. This website and the book are the result of the Post-Digital Graphic Design research project (2019–2021), directed by Demian Conrad at HEAD-Geneva and generously supported by a grant from the HES-SO strategic fund.
The book in currently out of print, contact Set Margins’ for more informations.

GRAPHIC DESIGN IN THE POST-DIGITAL AGE; A Survey of Practices Fuelled by Creative Coding; Onomatopee 215; Project Leader: Demian Conrad; Editors: Demian Conrad, Rob van Leijsen; Editorial Coordinator: David Héritier; Interviews: Demian Conrad, Rob van Leijsen; Authors: Demian Conrad, Silvio Lorusso; Copy Editor: Aviva Cashmira Kakar; Scientific Advisors: Nicolas Nova, Anthony Masure, Daniel Sciboz; Publishers: Onomatopee, HEAD-Genève; Graphic Design: Johnson/Kingston (Ivan Weiss/Michael Kryenbühl and Massimiliano Audretsch); Participants: Ali-Eddine Abdelkhalek, Jeroen Barendse, Raphaël Bastide, Erik van Blokland, Petr van Blokland, Pierrick Brégeon, Ted Davis, Loraine Furter, Sarah Garcin, Stan Haanappel, Fabian Harb, Urs Hofer, Dimitri Jeannottat, Michael Kryenbühl, Jürg Lehni, Zach Lieberman, Léonard Mabille, Fabiola Mejía, Tancrède Ottiger, Mitch Paone, Emilie Pillet, Marianne Plano, Casey Reas, Yehwan Song, Sander Sturing, Samuel Weidmann, Ivan Weiss. This book is the result of the Post-Digital Graphic Design research project (2019–2021), directed by Demian Conrad at HEAD-Genève and generously supported by a grant from the HES-SO strategic fund.